Training & Certification on IT Courses.
Across a variety of fields we are dealing with from basics part of computer education to the high end technology like Java, PHP, MS, C, C++, Java and PHP, JQuery, Ajax, HTML, XHTML.
Software Development in New Technology.
Software development is one of the key areas where the SDLC and STLC are applied during development. We provide a nice technical lab environment and professional trainer.
Career Plan & Placement Support.
The CnP department for digiTX which builds the career of the student and provides placement support for the students through a successive tests in Technical, and soft skills.
Admission Open!. Call us @ 9937743083 or 9853058595
Institute at a glance...
digiTX Lab

Services We provide...
Industrial Design, Assessment, Modularizing Technical specifications and after documenting it we train the students...
In each phase of training our students do their project works based on new technology and tolls fro better career prospects...
By looking to the new trend of technology and tools we provide facilities to the students for better learning...
We provide visual exercises that drive the young minds and capture their idea to explore. We provide Real-World-based for...
Expertise Area...
Web Development Course
Training on developing applications with Coding, Learning of Frameworks, Front-End API, Testing, Design, Prototype and developments...
Java, Sprint Framework
Training on JAVA with ORACLE, use of Spring Framework for desktop as well as web based applications in three phases. Implementation...
Web Design, Digital Marketing
Learn Design tools HTML, DHTML, XHTML, Jquery, JSON etc, develop a website and implement it. Learn SEO and digital...
Python and .net Framework
By learning this one can Empower the programming ability and Project management skills. Integrating 3rd party APIs is included in...
RDBMS, Data Mining and DWH
Learn RDBMS tools with Server Administrations and learn actual Data Mining and Data Warehousing with collections, filtrations, DSS ...
Learn database programming with the above with Complex sql, Joins, Unions and sub queries from a database....
Animation, PhotoShop
Learn how work with moving pictures, objects and Play with actions in 2D and 3D. Learn PhotoShop tools and working with images ...
Accounting Packages .
Learn recording financial transaction, reports management of funds. Smoothly record your revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities...
Advanced MS Office
Learn official document design and customizing it. Use MS Word, Excel and PPT to represent your office, products, training etc.
Top Courses Choosen...
3 Months Training Popular
- Coding...
- Programming
- Logics & Reasoning
- Time and Space
4 Months Training Popular
- Play with graphic
- Colours and Images
- Look-n-fill
- Animations
6 Months TrainingMore Popular
- S/W Architectures
- Front / Back-End Tools
- Business Logics
- Business Model
12 Months Training Popular
- Focused on Practical
- Learn assignements
- Paper Wise Tests
- Record your Growth